9 March 2015
Peter Aldous visits community transport operator BACT to listen to the challenges they face.
After the visit, Peter said:
“Community transport operators and the many volunteers who work for them are doing great work across Suffolk. It was extremely helpful to me to spend some time with BACT to find out more about the services that they are providing and the challenges that they face.
“Community transport plays a vital role in ensuring that many people, often elderly and vulnerable, are not left feeling isolated and unable to get to vital services such as doctors surgeries and day centres. It is important that when tendering for contracts and when applying for grants that operators are not burdened down with form filling, bureaucracy and red tape and that they are able to compete on a level playing field with commercial operators.
“BACT provide a great service in the Beccles and Bungay area and I wish them all the very best for the future.”